Barrel Insulation
Customer Type: Outdoor Equipment Manufacturer
Location: Mississippi, USA
308,880 kWh annual savings
219 metrics tons of CO2 avoided
Project Overview
At RPG Energy Group, we provide barrel insulation jackets for a variety of heating elements within different processes. With better insulated machinery, the customers' process equipment can provide the same heat output with less energy as well as better control the surrounding temperatures for employees.
Plastic injection molding is an extremely energy intensive process, but also a necessary process utilized by one of our manufacturing customers. Not only did the proposed barrel insulation greatly reduce electricity required to keep the barrel warm, the insulation also improved the safety of each station. For example, barrels were not directly exposed outside of protective shrouds, as well as working conditions were much cooler. HVAC use in this vicinity was greatly reduced and less cooling needed, another indirect benefit of applying insulation to injection molding machines.